Portsmouth #221 2018 Board
L to R
President Zach Horning
VP Katie Heine
Treasurer Gerry Stewart
Parlimentarian Kristi Morrison
Chaplain Eliese DeGroff
NWCA #119 Information Board
This is used by the club to inform people what the club s all about. Great Job!
Past National Presidents attending the 2016 Eastern Regional Convention
Closing banquet – 2016 Eastern Regional Convention
2016 Central Regional Convention attendees
2015-16 National Board
National President, Julie Sharp, laying a wreath at the Seabee Memorial in Mississippi
2015 National Convention attendees at the Seabee Memorial

Seabee Memorial in Biloxi National Cemetery
Past National Presidents attending the 2015 National Convention |
Eastern Region attendees at the 2015 National Convention
Central Region attendees at the 2015 National Convention
Northwest Region attendees at the 2015 National Convention
Kitsap #46 Bunco Social – June 10, 2015 in Poulsbo, Washington |
Northwest Region Area Council Meeting – February 28, 2015 held in Silverdale, Washington
First-time NW Regional Convention attendee Pamela Camaya (Kitsap #46)
First-time NW Regional Convention attendee Christine Duplissey (Kitsap #46)
NWCA Menriv #240 member & Past National President Linda Hedden, & her husband Bill place wreaths for Memorial Day
NWCA Kitsap #46 lay wreaths for Memorial Day
NWCA Memphis #119 member, Janet Park mans the table for Wreaths Across America
NWCA Kitsap #46 held a shelter bag event
NWCA Memphis #119’s newly elected officers
National President Julie Sharp along with NMCCG Liaison Marty Boehm, sister member from NWCA Eleanor Roosevelt #37 Karen Snee and National Pin Chairman, Darlene Carpenter lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown.
NWCA Members (L-R) National Pin Chairman, Darlene O’Shields, National President, Julie Sharp, NWCA #37, Karen Snee and NMCCG Liason, Marty Boehm lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier.
Julie had the honor of visiting momentarily with a gentleman at the Vietnam Wall who was there with Honor Flights of Iowa.
NWCA Memphis #119 held an Easter egg hunt on March 28, 2015
NWCA Memphis #119 celebrates Mardi Gras. L-R: Susan Melanson, Lois Wilber, & Allison Barnes |
NWCA Portsmouth #221 new board 2015 |
NWCA Portsmouth #221’s new board of Officers |
Members of NWCA Memphis #119 set up for their monthly “We Care Supper”
 NWCA Memphis #119 held their monthly “We Care Supper” on 11/11/14.
Members of NWCA Portsmouth #221 placed flags on the graves of our veterans.Even the children helped out.
Kathy Cayton and Marty Boehm attended the Community Hospice Veterans Partnership meeting today and Kathy took her on a tour of the Sunbeam Road Inpatient facility. This is a picture with the service flags that we have helped purchase, which are displayed outside of each Veteran’s room. |
Please help us welcome the 3 newest members to NWCA #192! WELCOME ladies to the NWCA Family. — with Letisha Nutt, Aumonae Johnson-Lloyd and Kimberly Kraftchak.
NWCA Sister members, please help us welcome our newest NWCA New Orleans #192 member: Kenzie. She joined us at our business meeting last night and loved our club our projects and joined. Welcome to the NWCA family Kenzie Box!