NWCA News and Updates
Our 2020 NWCA National Project, Darkhorse Lodge, is continuing to make progress.
The NWCA National Project for 2020, Darkhorse Lodge is continuing to make progress. Wonderful to see the Staff and Volunteers helping to build "A Peaceful Retreat for Combat Veterans." Excited to hear that progress is continuing even though our Nation is battling...
August 7, 2020. Purple Heart Recognition Day, 2020. Thank You to the many Military Veterans who have Served and Sacrificed for our Nation.
August 7, 2020. Purple Heart Recognition Day 2020. Here is just one of the many stories about the sacrifice and service of our Military Veterans, Col. Richard Williams, Korean War Veteran and Purple Heart Recipient. Read the story about this Military Hero at this...
Happy Birthday United States Coast Guard, August 4, 2020.
The United States Coast Guard Band, 2020 Happy Birthday United States Coast Guard, August 4, 2020. Today our Coast Guard celebrates 230 years of Dedication and Service to our Nation. Throughout the years the Coast Guard has lived up to its Motto: "Always Ready." See...
Seattle Area kicks off Virtual Fleet Week, July 27th – August 2nd.
The Seattle, Washington area kicks off its Virtual Fleet Week July 27th - July 31st. These are some of the photos from this event, including a photo taken "back in the day" of families, friends and visitors shown lined up to greet and visit one of the Air Craft...
NWCA National Corporation/National Convention Update.
Update as of July 17, 2020: "Out of an abundance of caution, due to COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictive protocols, your Executive Board of Directors has voted to cancel the Annual Corporation/National Convention scheduled for 2020. More details to follow in...
Firefighters from the greater San Diego area battle fire onboard the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6)
Firefighters continue to battle the major fire onboard the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6) at Naval Base, San Diego, California. We are proud to see this combined effort by all of those involved from each of the Commands in the area, to local civilian forces to those who...
Darkhorse Lodge Celebrates “Independence Day from Wall Painting, July 4th 2020.”
July 4th, 2020. Our NWCA National Project, that we are helping with this year, at Darkhorse Lodge, Paris, TN, has reached yet another milestone. Here is the message they posted on their facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/Darkhorse-Lodge-655037981193760/. "Today,...
Lee Greenwood, Home Free and The United States Air Force Singing Sergeants – “God Bless the USA”
Lee Greenwood, Home Free and The United States Air Force Singing Sergeants collaborate on a new rendition of the famous song, "God Bless the USA." Thanks to all for this Great Song and Wonderful message. See the song at this link:...
Arise2Read. See how a local Memphis, TN. non-profit is giving Children Hope for the Future.
Memphis, TN. The local Arise to Read or as this wonderful Memphis, TN. non-profits logo reads: ARISE2READ, is giving Children Hope for the future through volunteers working to increase reading skills and literacy. Children in public schools and now at home are...
Remembering the 70th Anniversary of the Korean War Outbreak, June 25, 2020.
Today, June 25th, 2020 we remember the outbreak of the Korean War. We Honor both those who fought in this war and their Families. Each and every one, who gave Honorable Service, we salute you and the many sacrifices given. Find out more about the ceremony shown in...
Celebrating Flag Day, June 14, 2020.
Today, June 14th, 2020 The United States of America Celebrates our National Flag and its wonderful and lasting history of service. Even though our Flag has undergone many changes in design, it has always represented "One nation, under God with Liberty and Justice for...
Happy Birthday United States Army, June 14, 2020.
June 14, 2020. Happy Birthday to the United States Army. Today our U.S. Army Team celebrates 245 years of service to our Nation. See and learn more about this day of celebration here: https://www.facebook.com/USarmy/
“We Shall Never Forget, D-Day, June 6th.”
We Thank our Military Veteran's who served during WW II with Honor and Courage. We Shall Never Forget this Special Day of June 6th. See and hear the story of the D-Day Landings at Normandy at this Link:...
June 3, 2020: Happy Birthday to NWCA on our 84th year.
Today, June 3, 2020, NWCA is 84 years "young" and still helping our Military Families, Military Veterans and Local Communities. We salute all those who have helped our Organization through the years from our beginning in 1936. We also salute the "First Lady" of NWCA,...
We Shall Never Forget. NWCA Honors our Fallen Heroes, Memorial Day, 2020.
Across the Membership of NWCA, we stop to "Never Forget" those who have given their lives in defense of our Freedom. On the special day of May 25th, 2020, America held many ceremonies to Honor our Fallen Heroes. We Shall Never Forget. The crew of U.S. Navy's oldest...
Virtual Fleet Week coming to New York City.
The United States Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are scheduled to present Virtual Fleet Week New York 2020 from May 20 - May 26. See and read the story at: http://militarynews.com/app/fleetweeknewyork/
NWCA Salutes our 32 Members at Large (MAL’s). Happy MAL Recognition Month of May, 2020.
NWCA Salutes our 32 Members at Large, across the United States during your special recognition month of May 2020. We thank each of you for continuing to support and serve within NWCA. Stay safe and strong. We Love You.
Remember Military Spouse Appreciation Day 2020 on Friday May 8th.
Friday May 8th is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Take some time to express your appreciation to your Military Spouse on this Special Day. Find out more about this day of Appreciation at: https://www.military.com/spouse/military-spouse-appreciation-day
Wishing NWCA and our Military, Military Families and Nation Happy Easter Greetings and Safety for 2020.
Wishing all of our NWCA Membership, Military Veterans, Military Families and Nation Easter Greetings and Safety for 2020. Please Remain Safe and Stay Strong. The photo shown here is from deck of the USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) showing the crew as they hold Easter Services on...
Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 from the U.S. CDC, April 4, 2020.
Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 from the U.S, CDC. Read the full story and get user friendly instructions at this link: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings.html.
The USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) Treats First Patient in New York.
New York: The hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) treated its first patients April 1, 2020 in support of the nation's COVID-19 response efforts. Use this link to see and read the full story: https://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=112526 Thank You to our...
USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) Medical Team prepares to support our nation’s COVID-19 response.
Sailors onboard the USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) prepare to support our nation's response to COVID-19. Use this link to see and learn more:...
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier sentinels continue their duty through conronavirus pandemic.
Since July 1, 1937 our US Military Soldiers have stood guard over the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Even during this time of hardship, this Tomb remains guarded. We Salute those who give their Best each day for this duty. Open this link to see and learn more:...
Hospitals at Sea: See The Mission, The Basics, Inside Each Ship and Operating Status & Crew of the USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) and USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) as they provide help to fight COVID-19.
Hospitals at Sea. Read how the United States, Military Sealift Command is providing help to combat COVID-19. Click here to see this story: https://www.navy.mil/viewGallery.asp?id=0&page=13468&r=4. Read other related stories and see the photos and videos as the...
USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) departs Naval Base San Diego, March 23, 2020.
This story and photo by U.S. Navy Mass Communication Specialist !st Class David Mora Jr. is taken by a release from the United States Navy Web Site at: https://www.navy.mil/view_imagex.asp?id=310511&t=1. Photo shows the Military Sealift Command hospital ship, USNS...
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs information on Public Health for Veterans as of March 17, 2020.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has posted information for Veterans at this web site as of March 17, 2020: https://www.publichealth.va.gov/n-coronavirus/
U.S. Navy sets up Official blog to pass along Updates and Information about COVID-19.
The United States Navy has established and official Blog site to pass along Updates and Information about COVID-19 to our Military and Families. Here is the link to this site: https://navylive.dodlive.mil/2020/03/15/u-s-navy-covid-19-updates/. You can also learn and...
U.S. Navy Sets Coronavirus Transfer and Travel Rules: What you need to know about NAVADMIN 065/20.
U.S. Navy Sets Coronavirus Transfer and Travel Rules: What you need to know about NAVADMIN 065/20. Here is the link to this story: https://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=112362
NWCA National President sends important information to our Membership concerning upcoming Regional Conventions for 2020.
NWCA National President, Melissa Worthey, has sent out important information about the Regional Conventions scheduled for 2020. Quoting from her letter: "I have advised and strongly encouraged our Regional Presidents to cancel their respective regional conventions for...
NWCA 80th National Convention Closing Banquet 10/14/19.
The NWCA 80th National Convention came to a closing this evening, as the new 2019-2020 National Board were installed by the outgoing National President Sheryl Bice and National Vice President Amy Roberson, Our new National President Melissa Worthey, and our National...
Happy Birthday Wishes to Our United States Navy, 244 years, October 13, 2019.
Our United States Navy will soon celebrate 244 years of Honorable Service to our Country. We sincerely Thank You for your Service to Our Country and express our gratitude for the "Honor, Courage and Commitment" you promote each day. The Navy Wives Clubs of America,...
NWCA Members Deliver Goody Bags to the USO Wounded Warrior and Family Center at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia.
NWCA National President Sheryl Bice, National Vice President Amy Roberson, National Membership Chairman and Past National President Julie Sharp, USO Assistant Marissa, and Member in Training Chole Roberson delivered Goody Bags to the USO Wounded Warrior and Family...
Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc., “Doing Business As, Military Families Worldwide.”
The Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. is proud to announce our Organizational Name that now includes our approved Business Model language. The Name is: "Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc., 'Doing Business As' Military Families Worldwide." Congratulations to all of...
NWCA Recognizes continued progress at Darkhorse Lodge, our National Project for 2019.
NWCA is supporting the efforts of the Darkhorse Lodge project near Paris, Tennessee. This facility will soon become a wonderful and "Peaceful Retreat for our Military Combat Veterans." NWCA is very thankful for all of those working and managing this project. Many of...
NWCA Sends Honor and Remembrance to our Nations Gold Star Families, September 29, 2019.
On this Special Day, NWCA sends Honor and Remembrance out to our Nations Gold Star Families, September 29, 2019. Today we remember the Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers and Children of our Nations Special Heroes. Those that gave their lives in defense of Freedom,...
NWCA National President visits Darkhorse Lodge and Meets with Members of NWCA Memphis #119 , Sept 26, 2019.
NWCA National President, Sheryl B. and NWCA Past National President, Melissa W. visited the NWCA National Project for 2019, Darkhorse Lodge and meet with Members of local NWCA Club, Memphis #119 on Sept 26, 2019.
NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300 Attend “A Gathering in the Pines” POW/MIA and Gold Star Mother’s Recognition Event, Sponsored by the Veteran Councils of Baker, Clay, Duval Nassau and St. Johns Counties, Florida, September 21, 2019.
Members of NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300 were attendance on September 21, 2019 to help lend support in recognizing our United States Military POW's/MIA's and Gold Star Mother's. The event was held at the Chapel of The High Speed Pass, Cecil Field Conference Center,...
NWCA National Members Recognize our MIA’s and POW’s, September 20, 2019.
Members of NWCA "Will Always Remember and Never Forget" our Military Service Member POW's and MIA's. On this Special Day, September 20, 2019, please find a way to remember our POW's and MIA"s. "With Honor and Dedication."
NWCA Memphis #119 supports local Memphis, Tennessee New United States of America, Citizen Naturalization Ceremony, held on September 17, 2019.
Congratulations to our New United States Citizens from Memphis, Tennessee. A Naturalization Ceremony for these New Citizens was held in Memphis on September 17, 2019. Members of NWCA Memphis #119 were attendance and helped support this activity by presenting each New...
NWCA Memphis #119 supports Naval Support Activity (NSA) Mid-South Ombudsman Appreciation Luncheon, September 18, 2019.
Members of NWCA Memphis #119 attended and supported the Naval Support Activity, Mid-South (NSA), Millington, Tennessee Ombudsman Appreciation Luncheon and Awards Ceremony today, September 18, 2019. Special Thanks to the NSA Command for taking the time to recognize...
Naval Support Activity Mid-South, Millington, Tennessee announces highlights of Special MWR Activities for September and October 2019.
Naval Support Activity Mid-South, Millington, Tennessee announces highlights of scheduled special MWR Activities for September and October 2019. NWCA Memphis #119 is helping get this message out to those around the NSA Mid-South Naval Base. Find out more about these...
NWCA Memphis #119 Supports Local Memphis, Tennessee Naturalization Ceremony, September 12, 2019.
NWCA Memphis #119 Club Members attended and helped support the Local Memphis, Tennessee Naturalization Ceremony Events on September 12, 2019. During this ceremony 58 people, from 29 foreign countries, became New United States Citizens. Congratulations to each one.
NWCA Memphis #119 Set to Host September 16, 2019 “We Care Supper.”
NWCA Memphis #119 is scheduled to host the September 16, 2019 "We Care Supper" at the Naval Support Activity, Mid-South Navy Base (NSA). Time is: 6PM. Location: Ellison Recreation Center, 5671 McCain Street, Building 499. Theme for this supper: Mexican. We Care...
NWCA Little Creek #241 recently delivered candy treats to Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, Virginia.
NWCA Little Creek #241, Member Gail Campbell, recently delivered some welcomed candy treats, Lolli Pops, to members of the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story "Shot Clinic." The treats will be awarded to Children when they come by the Clinic for care....
NWCA Kitsap #46 plans September 14, 2019 Business Meeting in the Silverdale, Washington area.
NWCA Members of Kitsap #46 plan to hold their September 14, 2019 Business Meeting in the "Live 360" Meeting Room at the Kitsap Mall, next to the Famous Shoes Store starting at 10 A.M. Visitors are welcome to attend this meeting. "We hope that you can join us as we...
Two NWCA Local Clubs reschedule their Business Meeting Dates due to Hurricane Dorian.
NWCA Local Clubs, Jax #86 and MenRiv Park #240, Goose Creek, South Carolina are rescheduling their upcoming Business Meeting Dates due to Hurricane Dorian. NWCA Jax #86 will now meet on September 11, 2019 vs this upcoming Wednesday, September 4, 2019. And MenRiv Park...
NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300 Attends Military Order of The Purple Heart (MOPH) Ceremony, Jacksonville, Florida, August 6, 2019.
Members of NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300 attended a ceremony to Honor The Military Order of The Purple Heart (MOPH) at Jacksonville, Florida on August 6, 2019. The local MOPH Chapter #524 hosted this ceremony. NWCA Daughters in Dixie was presented a $200 donation...
Members of Princess Anne #143 Assist local area USO’s with Food and Supplies, August 20, 2019.
The Members of Princess Anne #143 collected needed Food and Supplies for several local area USO's in August 2019. These welcomed items were delivered by Princess Anne #143 Club Members led by: Barbara Stead, Pam Oliver, Shelia Olson and Eleanor Holland. Also assisting...
United States Navy Flight Demonstration Team, The Blue Angles, diamond team pilots, Fly Over Chicago, Illinois, August 16, 2019.
The United States Navy Flight Demonstration Team, The Blue Angles, diamond pilots, were on display during a scheduled performance in the Chicago, Illinois area, August 16, 2019. Thankful for these Brave Heroes and Support Team Members who are serving with Pride in our...
NWCA Memphis #119 Promotes “Good Eats for a Good Cause” fund raiser at their local Chili’s Restaurant in Millington, Tennessee on Monday, August 19, 2019.
NWCA Memphis #119 in cooperation with the local Chili's Restaurant, 8526 Highway 51, Millington, Tennessee, 38053, phone: 901-872-0555, is promoting a "Good Eats for a Good Cause" fund raiser to help support their club and NWCA on Monday, August 19, 2019. This local...
NWCA Memphis #119 Promotes Local Girl Scouts activities, set for August 17 2019. Funds are needed to build a local Handicap Playground.
NWCA Memphis is encouraging local area residents of Millington, TN to join the local Girl Scouts for Family Fun and a FREE OUTDOOR MOVIE presentation on August 17th at Navy Lake, Millington. The scheduled movie is: "Avengers End Game." Show time is set for: 7:40PM....
NWCA MenRiv Park #240, Goose Creek, South Carolina supports local Boy Scout Troop #777, August 14, 2019.
NWCA MenRiv Park #240, Goose Creek recently presented a special Flag Pole Finial to the members of local Boy Scout Troop #777 on August 14, 2019. Thank You NWCA Members of MenRiv Park for supporting the organized youth programs in your local area. Thank You Boy Scouts...
NWCA Princess Anne #143 Promotes NAS Oceana, Virginia MWR Back to School Family Fest, August 15, 2019.
NWCA Princess Anne #143 is reminding the Virginia Beach and Norfolk area NWCA Members that NAS Oceana, Virginia is set to hold a Back To School Family Fest on August 15, 2019. Where: NAS Oceana - Main Gate Park, Tomcat Blvd., Virginia Beach, Virginia. When: Thursday,...
The Tomb of The Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, Honored by Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc., August 3, 2019.
The Tomb of The Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery was Honored by the Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. (NWCA) on August 3, 2019. The NWCA National President, Sheryl Bice, Princess Anne #143 and Husband Pete Bice, NWCA Princess Anne #143; NWCA National...
NWCA MenRiv Park #240 helping the city of Goose Creek, SC with Kids Fest Activities, August 10, 2019.
The City of Goose Creek, SC is now holding its planned Kids Fest Celebration at the downtown City Municipal Center until 8:30 P.M today, August 10th. NWCA MenRiv Park #240 Members are helping with games and providing information for those in attendance....
Kids Fest to be held and attended by NWCA MenRiv Park #240 at Goose Creek, South Carolina, August 10, 2019.
Kids Fest Activities will be held at Goose Creek, South Carolina on August 10, 2019. NWCA Members from MenRiv Park #240 plan to attend and provide additional fun for the Families and Children in attendance. Time and location: 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Goose Creek City...
NWCA Princess Anne #143 Members donate school supplies for local children, August 2019.
The Members of NWCA Princess Anne #143 recently donated school supplies being collected by local TV WAVY, Channel 10. Special thanks go out to Princess Anne Members: Barbara Stead, Laurie Graham and Eleanor Holland for shopping and delivering these supplies.
NWCA Jax 86 Installs New Member, Nicole Stanley, August 2019.
NWCA Jax #86 recently installed a new Club Member, Nicole Stanley. Congratulations to Nicole and Welcome to NWCA! She is the daughter of Wilma Stanley, Jax #86 and the Granddaughter of the late Gloria Davis, Jax #86. Nicole has achieved great success while working and...
NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300, Jacksonville, Florida votes to elect local club officers, August 2019.
NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300 Club Members, located in Jacksonville, Florida, recently voted to elect new local club officers. Congratulations to these NWCA Members: President, Zach Horning; Vice President, Terry Laws; Recording Secretary, Lindsey Kauffman;...
NWCA Princess Anne #143 votes to support the 5 local USO’s in the Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia area during the month of August 2019.
Members of NWCA Princess Anne #143 voted in August 2019 to support the 5 USO's located in Norfolk and Virginia Beach area by making food donations and also inquire about volunteering. They also toured one of the local USO's as shown here. Find out how you can help....
NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300 Attend Purple Heart Recognition Day Ceremony in Jacksonville, Florida, August 6, 2019.
Members of NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300 were present for Purple Heart Recognition Day Ceremonies at the downtown Veterans Memorial Wall, Jacksonville, Florida on August 6, 2019. This ceremony was organized by Jacksonville city officials and the Military Order of the...
Darkhorse Lodge visited by NWCA Memphis #119 on August 6, 2019.
Darkhorse Lodge, our 2019 NWCA National Project, was visited by an NWCA Club Member of Memphis #119 and Family Member on August 6, 2019. Thanks to Tara McClelland (R), Memphis #119 and her Mother, Cheryl Jenner (L), both from Munford, Tennessee for stopping by the...
NWCA Memphis #119 Plans Monthly We Care Supper, August 13, 2019.
NWCA Memphis #119 Members are planning to host their monthly "We Care Supper" to be held on August 13, 2019 at 6PM. The Supper will be held onboard the Millington, Tennessee, Naval Support Activity Mid-South Base (NSA), at the Ellison Recreation Center, 5671 McCain...
United States Coast Guard Celebrates its 229th Birthday, August 4, 2019.
Happy 229th Birthday to the United States Coast Guard, August 4, 2019. Wishing all of the Honorable Members, Retired Members and Family Members of the United States Coast Guard the Very Best on this, your Special Day of Celebration. We Honor each of you for your...
Progress continues on Darkhorse Lodge, Paris, Tennessee.
NWCA continues to help support the construction of Darkhorse Lodge at Paris, Tennessee. Here in these photos you can see the progress on the exterior of the various cabins is being made. Help support this great project for our Combat Veterans and Military Families....
NWCA Princess Anne #143 Prepares a Wreath for The Annual Arlington National Cemetery Honorary Ceremony.
NWCA Princess #143 will present a special Honorary Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, Arlington National Cemetery on August 3, 2019. Several Members of other NWCA Clubs will also be in attendance. In this photo one of the Members of Princess Anne #143 prepares...
Members of NWCA MenRiv Park #240, Goose Creek, SC announce their Business Meeting to be held on August 6, 2019.
Members of NWCA MenRiv Park, Goose Creek, SC are planning to hold their August Business Meeting on the 6th at 7PM EDT. To find more information about this meeting please view their NWCA Local Facebook Fan Page at: www.facebook.com/navywivesclubmenrivpark240/. Or you...
Members of NWCA MenRiv Park #240, Goose Creek, SC plan events to be held at local Kids Fest on August 10, 2019.
Members of NWCA MenRiv Park #240, Goose Creek, SC are planning activities to be held following the local Goose Creek Kids Fest event on August 10, 2019. Time of events: Kids Fest activities will be held from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM followed by a fireworks display. Location:...
NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300 Learns how to make Lumpia and Fried Plantains.
A fun "How to Make Lumpia and Fried Plantains" cooking class was held on Saturday, July 20, 2019 with Members of NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300. Tess Groyon Gruber served as the leader and "teacher" of this class. The Club Members had a great time learning how to make...
NWCA Jax #86 Announces its August 2019 Meeting Information.
NWCA Jax #86 Clubs Members Announce their August, 2019 Meeting Schedule. The Club Members will meet for a Business Meeting on August 7, 2019 onboard Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida. The meeting will be held Building 857. The Club Welcomes both Members and...
NWCA Princess Anne #143 was honored to donate $200 toward care packages sent to forward deployed troops.
NWCA Princess Anne #143 had the honor of donating #200.00 toward postage for 24 care packages sent to forward deployed troops from VFA-143 stationed at Oceana Naval Air Station, Virginia. The packages included snacks, personal hygiene items and letters from local...
United States Navy Blue Angels Performance at NAS Pensacola, Florida, July 2019
The United States Navy Blue Angels Flight Performance Team held a scheduled practice and flyover near the Pensacola Naval Air Station area in early July, 2019. NWCA Memphis #119 members, Allison Barnes (NWCA Central Regional President), husband Windle Barnes and...
NWCA National Convention 2019, Updated Registration and Agenda Information now available.
Updated Registration and Agenda Information for the 2019 NWCA National Convention is now available in the "Members Only Area" of this site. Look for recent and updated forms and information in this area.
NWCA Memphis #119 Sponsors 6th Annual Independence Day Youth Parade onboard NSA Millington, TN, July 01, 2019.
NWCA Memphis #119 sponsored the 6th Annual Independence Day Youth Parade onboard Naval Support Activity Mid-South on July 1st, 2019. Over 75 youth, Adult Workers from the base Child Development Center, Parents and NWCA Club Members participated in this fun event....
NWCA MenRiv Park #240, Goose Creek provides assistance during local Naturalization Ceremony, June 2019
NWCA MenRiv Park #240 Honors New American Citizens at a recent Naturalization Ceremony. New American Citizens were recently Honored by NWCA at their Naturalization Ceremony held in Middleton Place, South Carolina. MenRiv Park #240 provided bottled water and cookie...
NWCA Goose Creek #240, Presents Scholarship to local High School Student, May 21, 2019.
NWCA Goose Creek #240 recently presented a local High School student with a higher education scholarship on May 21, 2019. Shown here is NWCA Goose Creek, President, Denise McCready presenting the scholarship to High School Senior, Abigail. Congratulations, Abigail, we...
NWCA Memphis #119 Plans local club activities for June and July, 2019.
NWCA Memphis #119 has several local club activities planned for June and July. On June 26, 2019 the club has coordinated a Fundraiser from 5PM to 8PM at McAlister's Deli, 8390 US Highway 51 North, Millington, TN. A portion of the sales from this time will be donated...
NWCA Memphis #119 hosts local Craft Day Event, June 23, 2019.
NWCA Memphis #119 hosted a local Craft Day Event for their members and guests on June 23, 2019. NWCA Memphis #119, Activities Co-Chairmen, Linda Christy and Renee Nist helped coordinate this activity. Lots of wonderful crafts were made and decorated. Snacks were...
US Flag Day, June 14, 2019.
NWCA Celebrates US Flag Day, June 14, 2019. We are thankful for those who are serving to protect our Freedom, our Liberty and our Flag around the world. Find ways that you can join in honoring our US Flag Day celebrations.
Darkhorse Lodge Update, as of June 13, 2019
Our NWCA National Project for 2019 that we are helping fund is making more construction progress. Check out these new photos of the progress dated June 13, 2019. As you can see one of the cabins now has some outside color. The inside plumbing is also looking very...
Tidewater Area Council Celebrates NWCA 83rd Birthday on June 8, 2019.
Today the NWCA Tidewater Area Council gathered at Cheddars, Newport News, Virginia to celebrate the 83rd Birthday of The Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. This Council includes all of the local NWCA Clubs in the Tidewater Virginia Area. A wonderful time of...
D-Day, Normandy, France, 75th Anniversary, June 6, 2019.
The 75th Anniversary, D-Day, Battle of Normandy, June 6, 2019 was held today. This tremendous invasion, on June 6, 1944, led by Combined Allied Forces, was a major turning point in World War II. NWCA Salutes the Bravery and Courage of all of those involved. Especially...
NWCA Memphis #119 Installs New Local Board.
NWCA Memphis #119 installed their New Local Board Members on June 2, 2019. The New Board installed by NWCA Memphis #119 Life Member, Pat Rutter, are (R-L): Pat Rutter, Memphis #119, President, Susan Martinez; Vice President, Allison Barnes; Secretary, Renee Nist;...
NWCA Princess Anne #143 Delivers Cookies to NAS Oceana Departments.
NWCA Princess Anne #143 recently delivered cookies to the base departments at Naval Air Station, Oceana during May 2019. These 25 containers of cookies were provided to thank the base personnel for their service. Cookies were delivered to the Captain, XO, Fire...
Navy Nautical Ten Miler Event, Millington, TN.
The Navy Nautical Ten Miler Event was recently held at Millington, TN. NWCA was well represented by Memphis #119 Members who volunteered to help support the event and by 3 Members who participated in the run. Thanks to Memphis #119 and the runners, Tanya, Judy and...
NWCA 83rd Birthday, June 3, 2019.
HAPPY 83rd BIRTHDAY. Congratulations to Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. (NWCA), all associated clubs and Membership on this 83rd Birthday of our great Organization. On June 3, 2019 we recognize our Birthday. Over the years our Members have carried forth our NWCA...
NWCA Members at Large (MAL) Facebook Fan Page.
Your NWCA MAL Facebook Fan Page, www.facebook.com/NWCA.MAL, is now being updated by our MAL Coordinator, Diana Buckton. Diana needs pics of NWCA Activities, MAL's working in their Communities or attending NWCA events for posting to this site. Thank you MAL's for...
NWCA National Convention to be held in Savannah, Georgia.
The Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. (NWCA) National Convention is scheduled to be held this Fall in Savannah, Georgia from October 10 - October 14, 2019. The Host Club for this event is, NWCA Daughters in Dixie #300. The theme selected for this National Convention...
NWCA Northwest Regional Convention Held during May 2019.
Members of the Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc., Northwest Region held their Regional Convention during May 2019. This successful Convention was used to make decisions needed for the NWCA National Convention to be held in October of 2019. Thanks to all who helped...
Memorial Day, May 27, 2019.
NWCA Honoring our Fallen Military Heroes and Giving Thanks to those who have Served in Our Military Services. On this Memorial Day, May 27, 2019 our Nation has given Honor to our Fallen Military Heroes. Navy Wives Clubs of America is dedicated to join in this...
More Fun at NWCA Eastern Regional Convention, The Villages, Florida, May 2 – May 4, 2019
The NWCA Eastern Regional Convention was held at The Villages, Florida during May 2019. Members of NWCA Mayport #201 served as the host club for this convention. The convention was very successful, many important decisions were made to help support our Military...
NWCA Eastern Regional Convention, The Villages, Florida, May 2 – May 4, 2019
NWCA Eastern Regional Convention was held at The Villages, Florida, May 2 - May 4, 2019. A great and very productive NWCA Regional Convention was recently held at the The Towne Suites by Marriott, The Villages, Florida. The host Club, NWCA, Mayport #201 was led by...
NWCA Central Regional Convention 2019
NWCA Central Regional Convention held at Gretna, Louisiana, April 5 – 7, 2019. A wonderful and very productive NWCA Regional Convention was recently held at the Best Western Plus Hotel at Gretna, Louisiana. The host Club, NWCA New Orleans #192, was led by...
NWCA Club, Texas Stars #213 Having fun at Lunch
A few days ago, members of NWCA Texas Stars #213 had a great time of fun while enjoying some of the very best Texas BBQ at Meyers, Elgin Smokehouse at Elgin Texas. Members present were Beth Noal and Jeanette Hawk. NWCA is grateful for these wonderful...
Sheryl Bice, NWCA National President represents NWCA
SHERYL BICE AT NAVY HERITAGE MUSEUM, WASHINGTON DC AT SOY CEREMONY Sheryl Bice, NWCA National President represents NWCA.” Story message needs to read: “Recently NWCA National President, Sheryl Bice, represented NWCA at the annual Navy Sailor of the Year (SOY),...
NWCA Princess Anne #143 and Little Creek #241 Celebrate
Members of NWCA Princess Anne #143 celebrate ‘Installation of Local Board Members’ with guests from NWCA Little Creek #241. This event was held at a recent luncheon at The English Rose Tea Room, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Members of Little Creek #241 had also helped...
Supporting Our Coast Guard
Coast Guard Luncheon sponsored by Memphis 119 during Jan 2019 NWCA, Memphis #119, Club Members shown supporting local Coast Guard Hero’s at a luncheon provided on January 31, 2019. We love our Coast Guard Service Members who, like their Motto, Semper Paratus,...
Navy Wives Clubs of America (NWCA) Honors WWII Hero’s at Normandy
World War II Hero’s, near the Normandy, France Battlefield area were recently Honored with the help of NWCA, Honey Bees #257 Member, Shiana Crosby. She placed items from the Wreath’s Across America Organization at one of nearby Military Cemeteries, during...