NWCA Memphis #119 Members are planning to host their monthly “We Care Supper” to be held on August 13, 2019 at 6PM. The Supper will be held onboard the Millington, Tennessee, Naval Support Activity Mid-South Base (NSA), at the Ellison Recreation Center, 5671 McCain Street, Building 499. We Care Suppers provide one of the best ways to say thank you to those who are serving here at NSA Mid-South and to those supporting them. We Care Suppers are open to all of those living and working on NSA Mid-South and their families. Geographic bachelors & bachelorettes, IA Families, Single Sailors and Retirees & their families are welcome! Like to cook, bring a dish to share. Hosted by Navy Wives Clubs of America, INC., Memphis #119. To contact this club send an email message to: [email protected]