NWCA National Officers Honored, October 18, 2022. |Published on: Oct 18, 2022|| NWCA Officers were Honored today, October 18, 2022 by the National President Allison Barnes, Members and Guests. Allison presented each Officer a term of office guard for their 2021 – 2022 Service. The NWCA Nation Board shown above: (L – R) National Vice President, Cris Icenhower #240; Eastern Regional President, Sheryl Bice #143; Central Regional President, Darlene Carpenter 257; Northwest Regional President, Donna Turner 277; Southwest Regional President, Denise Johnson #167; National Secretary, Susan Martinez #119; National Treasurer, Julie Sharp #37 and National Parliamentarian, Linda Hedden #240. Congratulations to each of these dedicated members.