Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. (NWCA) is committed toward assisting several charity organizations in America. During the week of November 21st, Kathy Cayton, Daughters-in-Dixie #300 and Past National President (PNP), presented a National $500.00 donation check, on behalf of NWCA, to the National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum, Jacksonville, Florida. Accepting this check was memorial Acting Director, Ed Turner. In the words of the memorial staff: “The National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum is located on 26-acres in Northeast Florida at the former Naval Air Station Cecil Field, Master Jet Base (1941-1999) currently known as Cecil Commerce Center. The establishment of a National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum in Jacksonville will give visitors of all ages a fully planned indoor and outdoor complex to reflect, learn, do research, hear the stories, experience interactive displays and attend ongoing events.” Find out more about this National Memorial Site at: National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum – National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum (