October 7 – October 11, 2021: NWCA National Convention, Paris, TN.
|Published on: Oct 10, 2021||
Members of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. (NWCA) take a tour of Darkhorse Lodge, near Paris, TN. while attending National Convention. Darkhorse Lodge is the National Project NWCA has helped to support since 2019. This facility will soon be used to help Combat Veterans enjoy a “Peaceful Place” as they Reflect and Associate with others. Special thanks go out to Darkhorse Lodge Adminstrators, Gretchen and Kirk Catherwood and the many volunteers and supporters of this wonderful project. Also shown is Gretchen Catherwood attending a luncheon to honor the progress at Darkhorse Lodge. During this event both Gretchen and Kirk were presented Navy Wives Clubs of America, Honorary Memberships by NWCA National President, Allison Barnes. Find out more about Darkhorse Lodge at: www.darkhorselodge.org.