Today we think about those who have served as President of the United States of America. We also honor the service and birthday of our first United States President, George Washington. There have been 23 U.S. Navy Ships named after former United States Presidents. Included are 10 United States Aircraft Carriers named in honor of a U.S. President (by ascending hull number) – Franklin Delano Roosevelt (CV-42), John F. Kennedy (CV-67), Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69), Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71), Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72), George Washington (CVN-73), Harry Truman (CVN-75), Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) and Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78). There have been 12 United States submarines (by ascending hull number) – Jimmy Carter (SSN-23), George Washington (SSBN-598), Theodore Roosevelt (SSBN-600), Abraham Lincoln (SSBN-602), Thomas Jefferson (SSBN-618), Andrew Jackson (SSBN-619), John Adams (SSBN-620), James Monroe (SSBN-622), Woodrow Wilson (SSBN-624), James Madison (SSBN-627), Ulysses Simpson Grant (SSBN-631) and James K. Polk (SSBN-645). There is one United States Guided Missile Destroyer named after a former United States President – Lyndon Johnson (DDG-1002). Today we are thankful for the honorable service given by these U.S. Presidents and are thankful for the Men and Women who have honorably served as crewmembers on these great American Warships.