September 19, 2021: NWCA The Villagers #316 Install Their First Local Board Officers.
|Published on: Sep 28, 2021||
Welcome Aboard NWCA The Villagers #316. On September 19, 2021 this newly formed and chartered NWCA club held their first ever Installation of Local Board Officers with a recent Ceremony held at The Villages, Florida. The Installation Officer’s present were: The current NWCA National President, Allison Barnes, Memphis #119 and NWCA Eastern Regional President, Chris McCloskey, Jax #86. Following a welcome by NWCA Past National President (1996 – 1998), Claire Stacy, President, The Villagers #316 and prayer by The Villagers #316 club Chaplain, Ruthann Jackson, seven new #316 club members were Initiated by NWCA National President, Allison Barnes. Next, NWCA Eastern Eastern Regional President, Chris McCloskey installed the Villagers #316 local club Officers. NWCA Past national President, Nancy Perry (1991 – 1993) then welcomed everyone and introduced others present, including: NWCA Past National President (2009 – 2011) Kathy Cayton, Daughters in Dixie #300; NWCA Past Eastern Regional President, Kathy Moore, Vice President, NWCA The Villagers #316; NWCA Past Eastern Regional President, Kathy Trittschuh, NWCA The Villagers #316; NWCA Past National Secretary, Holly Gruber, Treasurer, NWCA The Villagers #316; Members of NWCA The Villagers #316 and Invited Guests. Lunch was then served to all present. Following lunch, club President, Claire Stacy expressed her thanks to those who helped get The Villagers #316 club up and running, in short by saying about the members: “They showed me that if we put our collective minds to work, that we could do this. Their Unwavering Dedication will keep us going in whatever we do. We can and will succeed.” Presentations and gifts with Claire Stacy and Holly Gruber were given. A decorated #316 cake was then cut and served by Claire Stacy, Chris McCloskey and Allison Barnes to help celebrate the occasion. Closing prayer was offered by club Chaplain, Ruthann Jackson. Congratulations to NWCA The Villagers #316! Photos by: Ray Stacy, NWCA The Villagers #316; Holly Gruber, NWCA The Villagers #316 and Windle Barnes, NWCA Memphis #119. Story by: Cecil Rumbo, NWCA Memphis #119. Note: Please click ‘View Image’ or ‘Preview Image” or save each of the above photos to fully view the captions when using a mobile device or select to open the photos in a different window to fully view each.