Dear Membership, we now have a New NWCA Scholarship to announce: The Past National Presidents Members’ Grandchild/Great Grandchild Scholarships. The deadline for application submission is March 31st. Our National President, Allison Barnes is the point of contact for this scholarship process. Application form for this Scholarship can be found on this website, just open the Scholarships Tab at the top ribbon bar of our home page and look for this area of information.
Four awards are given to assist eligible NWCA member’s grandchild/great grandchild in obtaining a college education, vocational, business or other training. One will be awarded for first year, second year, third year and fourth year. Applicants should be in need of assistance; an unmarried grandchild/great grandchild of a NWCA member in good standing for a minimum of one year to the application deadline and previously approved for admission to an accredited school.