NWCA News and Updates

Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month

The theme of Women's History month for 2025 is " Moving forward together and inspiring generations." The theme recognizes women who have dedicated their lives to education, mentorship and leadership. (This includes our military active-duty and veteran women.) The...

The Star-Spangled Banner

The Star-Spangled Banner

" The Star- Spangled Banner" is the National Anthem of the United States of America. The lyrics come from the "Defence of Fort M' Henery", a poem written by American lawyer, Frances Scott Key on September 14, 1814, after he witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry by...

A greeting for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

A greeting for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Join with the Earth and each other, to bring new life to the Land, to restore the waters, to refresh the air, to renew the forests, to care for the plants, to protect the creatures, to celebrate the sea's, to rejoice in the sunlight, to reinvigorate our bodies, to...

Happy New Year Greeting

Happy New Year Greeting

May this New Year bring you Joy, peace and prosperity in 2025. Let's embrace new beginnings and cherish friendships as we step into the new year with hope and excitement. Cheers to another year of collaboration and success, May the new year bring fresh opportunities...

Pearl Harbor Remembrance day 2024

Pearl Harbor Remembrance day 2024

  On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we honor the 2,403 service members and civilians who were killed on that tragic December morning 83 years ago.  And we recognize the absolute courage of the service members who, in the wake of this painful and...

Thank You Armed Forces Veterans, 11November2024

Thank You Armed Forces Veterans, 11November2024

Thank You Military Veterans for your Honoable Service to America on this Veterans Day, 11November2024. Your Sacrifices and those of your Family Members makes our Nation Great. We Salute All Of You. You will always have our Respect, Honor and Gratitude. Navy Wives...

NWCA National Convention 2024

NWCA National Convention 2024

Acceptance Speech:Thank you for electing me to a second term as your National President. Thispast year has been a learning experience for me. Many times, I have felt like Iwas swimming upstream in fast-moving water. But I realized that I had manypeople who supported...


The 2024 NATIONAL CALL TO CONVENTION is now completed. Any Member or Club who still have not received their Call by email or by special USPS (hard copy mailout) needs to contact our NWCA Publication Chairman, Kim R. Thanks to all who contributed to this effort that we...


The 2024 CALL TO NATIONAL CONVENTION UPDATE NUMBER 2: The Call is now sent out to our Membership as of August 15th. Please note: a CORRECTED MAL Cover Letter was sent out by email today. That Corrected MAL Cover Letter will be sent out to those using USPS service on...


The NWCA 2024 Call To National Convention Update Number 1: The Official Call for the 2024 National Convention has now been sent out by email as of August 12, 2024. The Call will be sent by USPS to each NWCA Club, using the address on our National Mailing List. Please...

Bold Stripes, Bright Stars, Brave Hearts

As we celebrate our country's independence, we also honor those who serve to preserve our freedoms. Additionally, on the Fourth of July, let us be grateful for the blessings that freedom represents and for the opportunities it affords. Stay safe and responsible while...

Happy Father’s Day 2024

" A military father serves not only his country but his family. Sacrificing time away from his loved ones to protect our freedoms." Happy Father's Day, Salute to Dads who raised heroes, Dads who served, Dads who serve and Dads who are US Patriots. A special salute to...

Flag Day 2024 (Officially adopted June 14, 1776)

" My fellow citizens: We meet to celebrate the flag day because this flag which we honor and under which we serve is the emblem of our unity, our power, our thought, and purpose as a nation. It has no other character then that which we give it from generation to...

To Forget them is to let them die all over again

To Forget them is to let them die all over again

"Our son's, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity" `President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Most of us are familiar with how D-Day operation...

Remembering and Honoring Our D-Day Heroes, 2024

Remembering and Honoring Our D-Day Heroes, 2024

We pause to Remember and Honor Our Gallant Allied Forces Heroes as they demonstrated Courage, Determination and Purpose for Good on D-Day, June 6, 1944. The sacrifies of these Forces were one of the most significant events leading to the successful outcome of the...

Memorial Day Activities By Memphis #119

Memorial Day Activities By Memphis #119

Story from May 27, 2024, by Susan Martinez, NWCA Memphis #119 and current NWCA National Secretary: "On May 27th, Janet Park, Memphis #119 and NWCA Past National President, and I attended a beautiful ceremony at a local cemetery in honor of Memorial Day. It was very...

Memorial Day Tribute

In recent history, Memorial Day has meant the unofficial start to summer. Family BBQ on the grill, local pools announce its opening day and retailers have big sales. While everyone has freedom to celebrate as they choose, Americans should also remember that this...

Happy Mother’s Day 2024

Happy Mother’s Day 2024

Wishing all of our NWCA Mothers... Happy Mother's Day Blessings on your Special Day, May 12th, 2024. We also send Special Blessings to all of our Active Duty Military Moms and the many of you who will not be at home with your Children today. We are grateful for your...

Wreaths Across America Visits Florida

Wreaths Across America Visits Florida

On April 1, 2024, PNP, #300 Kathy Cayton and National Media Coordinator and #316 club Parliamentarian Colleen Strong went and visited the wreaths Across America Educational Mobile Unit that stopped at the Walmart in Fleming Island, Florida. inside the semi-truck was...

Podcast and You

https://youtu.be/ReVI9M0s_Wc?si=_4OeRstkQGxq2q0F Podcast and You. Podcasts are a great way to actively listen to topics that interest us. They allow us to become a part of what we're listening to and trigger us to listen, pay attention, and then use our imagination to...

Happy New Year

NWCA wishes everyone a Happy 2024 New Year. We look forward to many adventures in the coming year. ~ Whether we're leaving behind a year of joy and blessings or trials and difficulties, we pause to reflect and give thanks. Navy Wives Club of America

Merry Christmas,

Thank You to those who teach us the meaning of giving, With pride and respect. We wish you a safe and happy holiday season. NWCA

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 2023

December 7, 1941: A Day that lives in infamy in the collective conscience of the United States and indeed, the world. On this the 82nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, please join NWCA in remembering and honoring the sacrifices of America's Greatest...

Happy Thanksgiving Greetings To Our NWCA Membership and Friends

Happy Thanksgiving Greetings To Our NWCA Membership and Friends

Dear NWCA Membership and Friends, Happy Thanksgiving Greetings, November 23, 2023. We are Thankful for each one of You. To those of you who have active duty Military Service Members in your Family, we are praying for them and all of you each day. Happy Thanksgiving!

Veterans Day, November 11, 2023.

Veterans Day, November 11, 2023.

Sending Special Greetings and Our Very Best "Thank You" to the Honored Veterans of our Nation. We also Salute and Thank the Families and Friends of these Veterans who have given their support to our United States of America Military Veterans over the years. We will...



HAPPY 248th BIRTHDAY United States Navy. We are thankful to the Men, Women and Family Members who are serving to protect our nation. To those Honorable Veterans and Family Members who have served over the years we remember today the many sacrifices you have made to...

September 11, 2001 – September 11, 2023.

September 11, 2001 – September 11, 2023.

Today, September 11, 2023 We Honor the many Brave Women and Men who perished in the September 11, 2023 attacks on our nation. We Honor the Family Members who lost Loved Ones and Friends during these events. We Honor those who are still suffering from resulting medical...

United States of America, FLAG DAY, June 14, 2023

United States of America, FLAG DAY, June 14, 2023

FLAG DAY, JUNE 14, 2023. Today we Honor our Great American Flag, "Old Glory"... We are thankful that this flag still represents our NATION, our FREEDOM and our LIBERTY. Find a way to celebrate FLAG DAY. We pray that God will bless our nation and keep us in his arms....



Join us as we give Honor to those Veterans who gave the Ultimate Sacrifice while serving on Active Duty.

Our 2023, NWCA National Project, Patriot Service Dogs.

Our 2023, NWCA National Project, Patriot Service Dogs.

Our NWCA National Project for 2023 is: Patriot Service Dogs. Patriot Service Dogs www.patriotservicedogs.org Founded in 2009 and based in Marion County, Florida, Patriot Service Dogs trains high-quality service dogs for veterans without charge. The organization is an...

May is NWCA Member-at-Large Month.

May is NWCA Member-at-Large Month.

May is the month NWCA Celebrates and Honors our Member-at-Large (MAL) group. We recognize the many contributions these members have given and continue to give to NWCA. There are currently 37 MAL, in 20 states, listed on our Official Members List as of today, May 6th....

Merry Christmas, 2022.

Merry Christmas, 2022.

Sending Merry Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes to our NWCA Family and Friends. Keep warm, stay safe as we are "Gracefully Navigating the Future."

“Yesterday December 7, 1941-A date which will live in infamy…”

“Yesterday December 7, 1941-A date which will live in infamy…”

On December 7, 1941 U.S. Military armed forces were attacked around the Hawaiian Islands. On December 8, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his speech to a joint session of Congress, asking that war be declared. His now famous words "Yesterday December 7,...



November is now designated as NWCA NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP MONTH. During this month we need to Promote and Celebrate our various National Scholarship opportunities. Please check the Scholarship tab, on this site, found on our Home Page, to read more about NWCA...



HAPPY VETERANS DAY to all of our Honorable Veterans, November 11, 2022. We also send out Special Greetings to all of the Family Members of Veterans. Appreciate each of you and the great work given to our Nation to protect our Freedom. Apologize for the delayed posting...

NWCA, The Honeybees # 257, Honored at Luncheon, October 21, 2022.

NWCA, The Honeybees # 257, Honored at Luncheon, October 21, 2022.

NWCA, The Honeybees #257, Host Club for the 2022 NWCA National Convention were Honored today during the lunch hour. The Club President, Darlene Carpenter accepted presentations and gifts on behalf of The Honeybees #257 Membership. Congratulations and many thanks to...



National President, Allison Barnes #119 (C) presides during election of the NWCA 2022 - 2023 National Officers, October 20, 2022, Gulfport, Mississippi. Assisting are National Secretary, Susan Martinez #118 (R) and National Parliamentarian, Linda Hedden #240 (L)....

NWCA National Officers Honored, October 18, 2022.

NWCA National Officers Honored, October 18, 2022.

NWCA Officers were Honored today, October 18, 2022 by the National President Allison Barnes, Members and Guests. Allison presented each Officer a term of office guard for their 2021 - 2022 Service. The NWCA Nation Board shown above: (L - R) National Vice President,...

NWCA Annual Convention Attendees, October 18, 2022.

NWCA Annual Convention Attendees, October 18, 2022.

NWCA Annual Convention Attendees from The Villagers # 316, Kathy Trittschuh (L) and First Time Convention Attendee, Gail Beck are shown at Gulfport, Mississippi. Thanks to all who are in attendance this week



Today, October 13th, 2022, our United States Navy celebrates 247 years of Service to our Great Nation. Each of us have many challenges and so do our Navy personnel on watch. We will overcome these challenges just as those Navy Veterans did in past years. To each of...



UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CONSTITUTION DAY, 2022: Today September 17, 2022 our nation celebrates our Constitution and the Birthday of Our United States of America Government. On September 17, 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time...



From D-Day, June 6, 1944 to today, June 6, 2022 we have Remembered and Honored those who participated in this special day in our American History. This was one of the most pivotal days in World War II. We will always be grateful to all of the Military Service Men and...

NWCA Central Regional Convention held, April 2022

NWCA Central Regional Convention held, April 2022

The Central Regional Convention was recently held in Paris, Texas. The theme for this convention was "The Red River Round Up." Those in attendance visited the local Red River Valley Veterans Memorial and nearby Paris, Texas Eiffel Tower, topped off with a large Red...

NWCA Eastern Regional Convention, April 2022.

NWCA Eastern Regional Convention, April 2022.

The Eastern Regional Convention was recently held at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story -- Virginia Beach, Virginia. The theme for this year's convention was "Telling Our Story." Many stories of past events, current activities and future plans were...

PRESIDENTS’ DAY, February 21, 2022.

PRESIDENTS’ DAY, February 21, 2022.

Today we think about those who have served as President of the United States of America. We also honor the service and birthday of our first United States President, George Washington. There have been 23 U.S. Navy Ships named after former United States Presidents....

We have a New NWCA Scholarship.

We have a New NWCA Scholarship.

Dear Membership, we now have a New NWCA Scholarship to announce: The Past National Presidents Members' Grandchild/Great Grandchild Scholarships. The deadline for application submission is March 31st. Our National President, Allison Barnes is the point of contact for...

November 11, 2021: U.S. Veteran’s Day.

November 11, 2021: U.S. Veteran’s Day.

November 11, 2021: Today we Salute and Honor our United States of America Military Veteran's. We Thank each of these Heroes and their Families for Serving our Country and Protecting our Freedom.

October 7 – October 11, 2021: NWCA National Convention, Paris, TN.

October 7 – October 11, 2021: NWCA National Convention, Paris, TN.

Members of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. (NWCA) take a tour of Darkhorse Lodge, near Paris, TN. while attending National Convention. Darkhorse Lodge is the National Project NWCA has helped to support since 2019. This facility will soon be used to help Combat...

Remember and Honor our Gold Star Families Every Day.

Remember and Honor our Gold Star Families Every Day.

We need to Remember and Honor our Gold Star Families as much as possible. Each and every day these Special Families are reminded of United States of America, Armed Forces Personnel, who gave the 'ultimate sacrifice' while serving on active duty. Please seek out these...

September 17, 2021:  Constitution and Citizenship Day.

September 17, 2021: Constitution and Citizenship Day.

September 17, 2021: Untied States of America Constitution and Citizenship Day. One of most important images, on this Constitution and Citizenship Day, is one that includes our American Flag. This photo shows our Great American Flag flying strong aboard one of our U.S....

September 17, 2021: National POW/MIA Recognition Day.

September 17, 2021: National POW/MIA Recognition Day.

NWCA would like to join with our nation as we pause to remember those service members who were prisoners of war, or who are still listed as missing in action. Since 1979 we have officially set aside the 3rd Friday in September to recognize and honor these American...

September 11, 2021:  “We Shall Never Forget”

September 11, 2021: “We Shall Never Forget”

September 11, 2021. "We Shall Never Forget" Today, we recognize the 20th anniversary date of the attacks on our nation. We Honor those killed and wounded on this day. We salute the Brave actions of our First Responders, Military Forces and Civil Agencies that helped...

Fly The American Flag at Half Mast, Now through Sunset August 30, 2021.

Fly The American Flag at Half Mast, Now through Sunset August 30, 2021.

Please Honor our Fallen American Military Heroes and Injured in Afghanistan by flying your American Flag at Half Mast now and until sunset on Sunday, 30August2021. We continue to be thankful for those protecting our Freedom and Liberty. We send our heart felt thoughts...

August 7, 2021:  Purple Heart Day.

August 7, 2021: Purple Heart Day.

Today, August 7th, 2021 we recognize those Military Members who have been awarded the United States of America, Purple Heart. Through their sacrifice our Nation has remained strong and safe. We thank each of these brave personnel and recognize their devotion to our...

August 4, 2021:  Happy Birthday, United States Coast Guard.

August 4, 2021: Happy Birthday, United States Coast Guard.

The United States Coast Guard celebrated its 231st Birthday on August 4th. We thank these Military Members and their Families for helping to protect our nation and for saving lives each day. As the Coast Guard says: "We strive to serve you with #Honor, #Respect and...

June 20, 2021:  Happy Father’s Day to all of our NWCA Father’s.

June 20, 2021: Happy Father’s Day to all of our NWCA Father’s.

Wishing all of our NWCA Father's the Very Best Happy Father's Day. We Love each of you and thank you for your support and help given throughout the past year. We also send Special Thoughts out to those Father's who are serving today in our United States Armed...

June 14, 2021:  “American” Flag Day.

June 14, 2021: “American” Flag Day.

June 14, 2021. Today we celebrate our American Flag. We celebrate the "Stars and Stipes" and give Honor and Recognition to all of those Military Men and Women who have fought to defend our American Flag. We encourage all of you to join this week and show your American...

June 2021:  NWCA MenRiv Park #240 Delivers 25 Fans to Local Seniors.

June 2021: NWCA MenRiv Park #240 Delivers 25 Fans to Local Seniors.

NWCA #240 recently purchased and delivered 25 fans to local South Carolina, Berkeley County Seniors, who were in need of a fan. MenRiv Park #240 has carried on this tradition of helping local community Seniors for over 20 years. Thanks to #240 members, Linda Hedden...



Today on June 3rd, 2021 we Honor the 85th Birthday of The Navy Wives Clubs of America (NWCA), dba Military Families Worldwide. We celebrate our Membership, both past and present and all of the many wonderful volunteer hours that have been given to help our Military...

Happy Mother’s Day 2021.

Happy Mother’s Day 2021.

Sending each of our NWCA Mom's Special Greetings for a Happy Mother's Day, 2021. We Celebrate You, We Honor You, We Love You.

May 7, 2021:  Military Spouse Appreciation Day.

May 7, 2021: Military Spouse Appreciation Day.

Thank You to All of the Military Spouses on this Spouse Appreciation Day, May 7th, 2021. Our Military Spouses are much appreciated for the support they are giving to our Active Duty Armed Services personnel and Combat Veterans. We Salute You on this special day.

Sending our Love and Best Wishes to those on Patrol.

Sending our Love and Best Wishes to those on Patrol.

NWCA sends out Special Love and Best Wishes to those who are keeping us safe this Valentine's Week, Feb 2021. We are proud of your service to our nation. We also send out Love and Best Wishes to the family members of these Brave Heroes. Here is just one example of...

NWCA Members Sharing a Great Day!

NWCA Members Sharing a Great Day!

December 30, 2020 was a Great Day for members of NWCA who gathered in The Villages, Florida for a meal and lots of laughs. NWCA members including: Nancy Plano Perry, Member at Large; Kathy Moore, Mayport #201; Claire Stacy, Jax #86; Kathy Trittschuh, NWCA Military...

NWCA Helps bring Christmas Joy to local Organizations and Charities.

NWCA Helps bring Christmas Joy to local Organizations and Charities.

Local Navy Wives Clubs of America, Princess Anne #143 and Memphis #119 are helping to bring Christmas Joy to local organizations and Charities. Shown here are Eleanor Holland, representing NWCA Princess Anne # 143, delivering gifts to a local Virginia Beach, VA USO....

December 7, 1941: “a date which will shall live in infamy”

December 7, 1941: “a date which will shall live in infamy”

Today December 7, 2020 we stop to recognize those 2,403 Men and Women who gave the ultimate sacrifice on this date in 1941 at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and other locations. "Each and every day we preserve their legacy by supporting their mission, victory at sea - Navy.mil,...

10November2020, Happy Birthday United States Marine Corps.

10November2020, Happy Birthday United States Marine Corps.

Today our United States Marine Corps celebrate their 245th Birthday. Pictured are the oldest Marine and Youngest Marine at the National Ceremony. See the full video story at this link: https://www.facebook.com/marines/videos/1038323569913199/

Tricare Open Season Opens Soon:  November 9 – December 14.

Tricare Open Season Opens Soon: November 9 – December 14.

Tricare announces open season is soon to begin. Switch your plan, pay allotments or make no changes at all. Find out more at this link: https://tricare.mil/CoveredServices/BenefitUpdates/Archives/09_08_2020_Open_Season_is_Coming_Take_Time_to_Prepare_Now.

U.S. Navy Announces New Ombudsman-at-Large.

U.S. Navy Announces New Ombudsman-at-Large.

The United States Navy Announced New Ombudsman-at-Large on August 20th. Mrs. Stacey Lindsey and Mrs. Amy Smith now serve as the Chief of Naval Operations' ombudsman-at-large. In their new roles, Lindsey and Smith are volunteer advisors to Admiral Mike Gilday and other...

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